Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Goodness should be shared with the world at all times!

When i got in my car, i looked around and all i saw was clutter, old paper napkins,plastic bags, loose papers thrown all over my back seat, and shoes... Now, if my car was a reflection of my life in general, what would that say about me? When i go home and see clothes all over my bed, dirty and clean mixed in together, if my laundry was a reflection of my life...what would that say about me?..When i am dating a guy and he is talking to another female and i get jealous and want to cuss him out and never see him again even when i know the deal...what does that say about me?? Would a GOOD woman live and act like that??
In seeing that it sparked me to an even deeper question. How can anybody know your goodness if it is not reflected in the things you do and say or even have.. I wear my goodness like its something to be hidden, and brought out like a secret weapon. My goodness should be shared with the world at all times, so that all may see and take notice that its okay to be GOOD. Yes it will take some effort, nobody ever said portraying your GOODness would be easy, in fact, it is one of the most difficult and scariest things you can do. But, oh how it is so worth it!
So today, June 8, 2007, i take a vow of faith and make an effort to show my GOODness in everything i do, say, and have, and to no longer hide it from the world. I do this in hopes that other women may feel brave and do the same, so there will never be another reason for a MAN to say "A GOOD WOMAN IS HARD TO FIND", (the saying is usually referring to men but i am a woman)because a GOOD woman is only hard to find, if a woman is hiding her GOODness!
Let YOUR GOODness Shine!
P.S. This blog is dedicated to the GOOD friend that told me  i was a better friend than i was a woman.....
(A life changing word is like a paper cut, it will hurt for a while but it will heal, and in that spot where the cut occurred, the skin is tougher, so it will less likely be cut again- When someone speaks a life changing word in your life, you will know it because it will hurt, and move you to be a better person than you were before you heard it.)